Clinical Supervision

If you are a social worker living in Pennsylvania, Virginia, or West Virginia, then I can provide all of the group and individual hours required for your licensure. If you are a social worker living in another state, check with your state board to determine what part of your hours I might be able to provide. Most states will allow an out-of-state independently licensed clinical social worker to supervise some or all hours.

If you are a professional counselor or psychologist working toward clinical licensure, refer to your board’s supervision requirements to determine if a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) can provide some part of your group or individual hours.

Filing and Fees

Submitting clinical supervision hours is a time-consuming process that requires fastidious record-keeping, great attention to detail, and in some cases, personally mailing documentation. For this reason, I charge an additional one-time fee of $100 at the time of filing. This one-time fee comes with my personal assurance that I will have, at the time of submitting your hours, made certain that all requirements have been met (insofar as I can control), and properly documented/filed the necessary paperwork. Below are my hourly supervision rates.

  • Groups (2-6 people): $150

  • Individuals: $100

Clinical Supervision Service